Shadow Boxe 2
Dive into elegance of motion. / Plongez dans l'élégance du mouvement.
Service Description
Elevate your boxing essentials through intricate drills, mirroring sparring sessions for a timeless workout. Enhance concentration, precision, speed, stability, muscle memory, and coordination, among other skills. / Rehaussez vos bases en boxe avec des exercices élaborés, simulant des combats devant le miroir pour un entrainement traditionnel. Améliorez concentration, précision, vitesse, stabilité, mémoire musculaire et coordinaton, entre autres compétences.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Personal training sessions and group classes that are not rescheduled or cancelled 12 hours in advance will result in forfeiture of the session/class and the loss of the financial investment at the rate of the session.
Contact Details
560 Avenue du Président-Kennedy, Montreal, QC, Canada